7 Tips for Packing Frame Or Art Work For Courier
The course of transferring framed art or picture,with a courier is a swift and hassle-free. The most crucial aspect while sending frames or art prints is packaging it properly enough, so it will be delivered at its destination as you desired.
Fortunately, doing so is easy — just go along the below guide; generally suitable for art keepers, sellers on ebay and hobbyist collectors.
To Commence 7 Tips for Packing Frame Or Art Work You Require, Packaging Materials
- Shredded Straw as loose fills
- A fresh double or triple walled corrugated box
- Art tape
- Packing paper — Acid free.
- 0.5cm thick, two pieces of plywood
- Scissors
- Shipping labels
- Enough bubble wrap to wrap twice and create some corner cushion.
The objective is to obtain a durable 12cm protective bubble, which is, strong enough for the transit. This will allow your package to endure the stack as well as normal transit tremors and jolts.
7 Tips for Packing Frame Or Art Work : A How To Pack And Ship Frame, Art or Things of Similar Sorts
STEP No.1:
Wipe the glass panes on the frame (note: only carry out the wipe, if there are glass panels). Then wrap the complete artwork or frame in double layers of acid-free wrapping paper and tape loose edges, if any left. Do this will cut down any smears appearing or marks.
STEP No.2:
Now time to cover the package in bubble wrap and make certain it is at least 6cm in depth. Employ this first vertically and then horizontally, and utilize ample tape to keep it protected. These layers shall be the base and perform the task of your primary packaging.
STEP No.3:
In case you have corner protectors, presently is the occasion to attach them to each corner. In case you’re short of protectors, then you have to create them. You can make them with cardboard–simply cut to shape and then cover a thick piece around each edge of the frame.
STEP No.4:
Now place safely two (0.5cm thick) pieces of plywood to both the side of the art/frame piece, securing them with packaging tape. These wooden attachments add to structural to the weak areas of the frame/art work amid in its transit. Please ensure you trim the ply in such a manner that it’s bigger than the frame/artwork, this practice shall aid protect the box corners.
STEP No.5:
Create a layer of loose straw at the bottom of your box, and then keep frame/artwork inside. Cram up the left over empty spaces with loose straw to make sure your goods are confined and don’t move around with the packet, or dash to the inner walls. This step is very crucial for keeping your packet safe while in transit.
STEP No.6:
Fasten the package with sturdy packaging tape. If you wish, you can use underpinned parcel tape if you are apprehensive about the burst opening of boxes while in transit. It is vital you cover the parcel trice in both ways alike wrapping a gift box, and you should also protect the box with packaging tape to provide it structural hold up of utmost quality.
STEP No.7:
It’s time to place labels, you just required to label your boxes in a neat manner, and you’re all set for shipping.